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» Présentation Aodrya
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 29 Mar 2024, 11:16 par Tyrakn

» [Alchimie] qu'est ce que la pierre philosophale? help
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyLun 25 Mar 2024, 19:48 par Le Pautrain

» Présentation Zell
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 24 Mar 2024, 19:59 par LinkAstral

» Présentation
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 24 Mar 2024, 19:57 par LinkAstral

» L'introspection via le JDR
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 24 Mar 2024, 18:22 par Tyrakn

» Vivre en se nourrissant que d'énergie
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 24 Mar 2024, 18:01 par Tyrakn

» [help] Sortir de la caverne de Platon
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 07 Mar 2024, 11:02 par Le Pautrain

» [Alchimie] L'alchimie / alcool / quintessence ou éther / boire, avaler
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 04 Jan 2024, 16:00 par Athéna

» Le Scarabée
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 15 Nov 2023, 03:05 par Tyrakn

» Le scarabée dans l'Égypte ancienne. Origine et signification du symbole - Y.Cambefort
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 15 Nov 2023, 02:52 par Tyrakn

» OphelieRenard789
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 13 Sep 2023, 12:12 par Tyrakn

» Paralysie du sommeil - Épisode d'Occulture
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMar 08 Aoû 2023, 17:37 par Tyrakn

» Moi, le retour
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 23 Juil 2023, 17:41 par Le Pautrain

» Annonce globale : Condition d'accès complet au Discord
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyLun 10 Juil 2023, 12:46 par LinkAstral

» paralysie du sommeil et silhouette dans le coin de ma vision
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 06 Juil 2023, 22:22 par InitialU

» Bonsoir , jme présente
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyLun 19 Juin 2023, 00:54 par Tyrakn

» Pierre des fées
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 21 Mai 2023, 20:49 par Invité

» Présentation.
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 23 Mar 2023, 14:01 par Lucifer

» Quelle est cette carte ?
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptySam 04 Fév 2023, 21:03 par Le Pautrain

» Tirage gratuit
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 26 Jan 2023, 15:29 par Invité

» Présentation Essstelle
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 06 Jan 2023, 11:22 par Invité

» Ereah
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 06 Jan 2023, 11:22 par Invité

» Sylvain
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 06 Jan 2023, 11:20 par Invité

» [Discussion] Bastet la Mère ou Isis l'épouse ?
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 27 Nov 2022, 19:10 par Le Pautrain

» [Info] Pour faire des rêves prophétiques
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 25 Nov 2022, 15:33 par Invité

» Faire passer un message
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 23 Nov 2022, 16:20 par Invité

» Y a quelqu'un
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 23 Nov 2022, 16:17 par Invité

» Déjà vu
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 23 Nov 2022, 15:24 par Le Pautrain

» Prémonitions
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 23 Nov 2022, 14:48 par Le Pautrain

» Dois-je croire à l'enfer et au paradis ou dois-je simplement vivre ma vie sans blesser autrui et faire le bien selon mon jugement ?
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyDim 13 Nov 2022, 10:57 par Invité

» Sophrologie
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 11 Nov 2022, 09:35 par Invité

» Le loup
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 11 Nov 2022, 09:28 par Invité

» Réputation et points
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 11 Nov 2022, 09:24 par Invité

» Empathe et Guérisseur
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 10 Nov 2022, 20:08 par Le Pautrain

» Canalisation énergie
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 10 Nov 2022, 19:45 par Le Pautrain

» Les chiens de l'enfer
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptySam 05 Nov 2022, 11:26 par Invité

» Je demande de l'aide aux anges
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 04 Nov 2022, 17:30 par Invité

» [Info] Pour vous faire aimer d'une personne (2 recettes)
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 04 Nov 2022, 10:46 par Invité

Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 04 Nov 2022, 10:40 par Invité

» la croix kabbalistique
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyJeu 22 Sep 2022, 13:57 par VanessaF.

» Ma présentation
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptySam 17 Sep 2022, 17:26 par Le Pautrain

» nouvelles arrivante
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptySam 17 Sep 2022, 17:23 par Le Pautrain

» Ais-je un lien avec ma plante?
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMar 30 Aoû 2022, 20:26 par hécate

» [Help] C'est de ma faute ?
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMar 30 Aoû 2022, 18:58 par hécate

» Présentation de Kurumi Zaphkiel
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyLun 29 Aoû 2022, 19:23 par Le Pautrain

» 7 ans après, problème de lecture de pensées de retour
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptySam 27 Aoû 2022, 07:07 par Grosminet

» Tiens tiens tiens
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMar 12 Juil 2022, 17:05 par Takeshi

» Présentation / Retour Takeshi
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMar 05 Juil 2022, 16:11 par Tyrakn

» Présentation Kateliya
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptySam 02 Juil 2022, 13:08 par Kateliya

» Petite Fougèère a grandit.
Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyVen 01 Juil 2022, 14:42 par Le Pautrain


 Davaid icke, biographie officielle.

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Encycoplédie ambulante
Encycoplédie ambulante

Nombre de messages : 6342
Age : 41
Localisation : Bordeaux
Humeur : ^^
Animal préféré : corbeau
magic code : Mch/de/ta x3- pwm/gr/eg w s- n* d A a+ c* g4+ QH3+ 666 2+ Y2+
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

Davaid icke, biographie officielle. Empty
MessageSujet: Davaid icke, biographie officielle.   Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 16 Jan 2008, 17:34

je vous la mets en anglais, directement tirée du site web officiel:

"David Icke is a former Professional Soccer player, journalist, network anchorman with the BBC, spokesman in the 1980's for the British Green Party, and since 1990 a full time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world.

Many have dubbed Icke as the "most controversial speaker" on the planet. They used to laugh at him, but now they come in the thousands to hear him speak all over the world.

He is the author of 16 books and among them are: And the Truth Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix, Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster ~ why the official story of 9/11 is a monumental lie, and his latest book, Tales from the Time Loop - The most comprehensive exposé of the global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be truly free.

David's words are designed to inspire all of us to be who we really are, to fling open the door of the mental prison we build for ourselves and to walk into the light of freedom.

David Icke's Journey

David was born in Leicester, England, at around 6.15 pm on April 29th, 1952. He was brought up in what they call in Britain a "working class" family on a big council housing estate and money was short, very short, throughout his childhood. He wanted to be a professional soccer player for as long as he could remember and he achieved that by leaving school to play for Coventry City and Hereford United in the English league.

But just six months after his soccer career began he started to suffer from serious arthritis that started in the left knee and progressed to the right knee, ankles, elbows, and, later in life, to his wrists and hands. In the final year of his soccer career, at the age of 20, he was in agony every morning at training until his joints were warmed up. But it was at this same time he was enjoying a very successful period in his career and wanted to carry on.

This challenge activated still more from within him a fierce determination he has always had not to capitulate to adversity and to overcome whatever life may choose to put before him. Or in truth, what his "own journey" chooses to experience.

Towards the end of that soccer season, the pain disappeared for around a month and he thought he was going to be OK. But then one morning he awoke to find a familiar but ever more threatening attack facing him that was about to put an end to the dream he worked so very hard for. Every one of his joints was in agony, like knives attacking the very core of his existence. It became quite clear that Icke's career was over. It took some days for him to just get up and hobble, never mind walk again. He just turned 21 in the year 1973 and was led to believe that he would end up a cripple.

At this point he had nowhere to go and quickly decided that he wanted to be a television presenter with the BBC. This newfound goal set him off looking for work as a journalist. This was not easy because school had bored him rigid and he left to play soccer before taking any exams (and in doing so says; Thank-you, God!). He would do his learning on his terms, in his time, and the "educational" system barely touched him. He rejected it all with a sort of inner knowing that it was not relevant to him.

David managed to get a job on a small weekly paper in Leicester, not least because he was the only applicant and from then on he advanced quickly through newspapers, local radio and regional television to become a national sports and news anchor man and reporter. Soon after he achieved this, in 1982, he moved to an island off the south coast of England called the Isle of Wight, a place he had been attracted to since he was a small child.

It was here that he began to campaign on environmental issues and this led him to becoming a national spokesman for the British Green Party. This was a post he held at the time of the Greens greatest, indeed only success at national elections in the UK, the election for members of the European Parliament in 1989. But he saw that while the Green Party talked about being different, it was, like all the Green parties he has come across, just the old politics under a new name. He lost interest and left as his life went through the most unbelievable upheavals.

From the mid -1980's onwards, he had also lost interest in television. He was doing it not because he actually desired to do it but to earn money to spend on what he really wanted to do - environmental campaigning. He found television to be an empty, soul-less world in which insecurity and fear abounded. And after the events of March 1990, his time in television was soon to be over.

He wrote a book in 1989 called It Doesn't Have To Be Like This, setting out the vision and agenda of the Greens because he felt they were talking to each other and not to the public as a whole. As he was writing the book, and in his work for the BBC, he began to feel a presence around him, like there was always someone in the room when there was not. There was a point in 1990, while sitting on the side of a bed in a hotel room in London, where he was compelled to look up and say to whomever or whatever: "If you are there will you please contact me because you are driving me up the bloody wall!"

Soon afterwards, events began to move quickly.

In March, 1990, he was playing soccer with his son Gareth on the seafront at Ryde on the Isle of Wight and he said they would go and have some lunch at the railway station café a short walk away. The café was full and they turned to walk away when someone recognised David and began to ask questions about soccer. When the conversation was over, David couldn't see Gareth, but he knew he would be in the newspaper shop nearby looking at books he liked. So it was. David stood at the entrance to the shop and said they were going now to find another café, but as he turned to leave, his feet would not move. They were stuck to the ground as if two magnets were pulling them to the floor. He then heard a voice in his head say: "Go and look at the books on the far side." His immediate thought was: "What the hell was this all about"?

He knew this shop very well and the books in that section were of no interest to him. But given the voice and what was happening to his feet, he went over to see what would happen. The first book he saw was one by a psychic lady and he was immediately intrigued because of this presence he had felt around him. He wondered if she would be able to tell him what was going on. She was also a hands-on healer and so he wrote to her and made an appointment for healing, not telling her about the presence or anything else. To her, he was a client wanting healing for his arthritis. He only saw her four times and in the first two visits nothing happened of note, except that he talked with her about other dimensions and the wider vision of life.

Then, on the third visit, he was lying on the couch while the healing was being done when he felt like a spider's web on his face. He had remembered reading in her book that this can happen when "spirits" are trying to make contact. He said nothing to her, but within fifteen seconds, no more, she threw her head back and said: "This is powerful, I'll have to close my eyes for this one!" She said she was seeing a figure who wanted her to pass on messages to him. The same happened a week later and this is what the "figure" asked her to tell him on those two occasions:

He is a healer who is here to heal the earth and he will be world famous. He will face enormous opposition, but we will always be there to protect him. He is still a child spiritually, but he will be given the spiritual riches. Sometimes he will say things and wonder where they came from. They will be our words. Knowledge will be put into his mind, and at other times he will be led to knowledge.

He was chosen as youngster for his courage. He has been tested and has passed all the tests. He was led into football to learn discipline, but when that was learned it was time to move on. He also had to learn how to cope with disappointment, experience all the emotions, and how to get up and get on with it. The spiritual way is tough and no-one makes it easy.

We know he wanted us to contact him, but the time wasn't right. He was led here to be contacted, not to be cured. But one day he will be completely cured. He will always have what he needs, but no more.

Don't try to do it all alone. Go hand in hand with others, so you can pick each other up as you fall.

One man cannot change the world, but one man can communicate the message that will change the world.

He will write five books in three years.

Politics is not for him. He is too spiritual. Politics is anti-spiritual and will make him very unhappy.

He will leave politics. He doesn't have to do anything. It will happen gradually over a year. (Exactly as happened)

In 20 years there will be a different kind of flying machine, very different from the aircraft of today. Time will have no meaning. Where you want to be, you will be.

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Encycoplédie ambulante
Encycoplédie ambulante

Nombre de messages : 6342
Age : 41
Localisation : Bordeaux
Humeur : ^^
Animal préféré : corbeau
magic code : Mch/de/ta x3- pwm/gr/eg w s- n* d A a+ c* g4+ QH3+ 666 2+ Y2+
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

Davaid icke, biographie officielle. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Davaid icke, biographie officielle.   Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 16 Jan 2008, 17:34


There will be great earthquakes. These will come as a warning to the
human race. They will occur in places that have never experienced them.
Taking oil from the seabed is destabilising the inner earth. The centre
of the earth will move and the poles will change. The sea spirits will
rise and stop men taking oil. The sea will reclaim the land and humans
will see that they cannot do these terrible things. They cannot abuse
the elements. They have to be treated with respect.

All this was
told to David on March 29th,1990 and on the second visit about a week
later. At the time, he was a BBC television presenter and national
spokesman for the Green Party and had no idea what this was all about.
Yet ten years later, most of what was said has happened or is
happening. Even down to the fact that he did write five books within
three years to the month.

He told some of the Green Party
leadership about these experiences, but their reaction was just as
closed-minded, ignorant, and uninformed as you would find in the system
the Greens were claiming to challenge. "I think David is going crazy."
Yeah right. Welcome to the new politics!

David wrote of these
early months of awakening in a book called Truth Vibrations (Gateway
Books) and then came the most astonishing event of all in an endless
stream of fantastic experiences he was having and continues to have.

felt an enormous urge to go to Peru in late 1990 early 1991, and then
headed there in February 1991 purely on the strength of his intuition.
A series of stunning events and experiences happened to him there which
culminated with the following story.

His Peruvian tourist guide
had booked him into a hotel called the Sillustani in Puno, not far from
Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world. Sillustani is
an ancient Inca site about an hour's drive from Puno and there were
pictures of this place all around the hotel for obvious reasons. David
said that he wanted to go there and had to hire a tourist mini-bus for
himself and the guide because it was out of season and there were no
scheduled trips. There was only David, the guide, and the driver.
Sillustani is a mound next to a lagoon with the Inca ruins on top. It
is in an uninhabited area and being out of season it was very quiet.
Only a couple of children with a lama were around waiting to sell
photographs to tourists, not that there were any.

After David
had walked around the ruins for an hour or so in the piercing Peruvian
sun, he went back to the tourist bus to return to Puno. He thought the
trip was over, but he soon learned it was only beginning. About three
minutes drive down the road he was looking out of the window and saw a
mound to his right. As he looked at the mound, a voice in his head
began to say: "Come to me, come to me, come to me." Very strange to say
the least, but he asked the driver to stop because he wanted to go and
look at the mound.

Although he could not see it from the road,
he found there was a circle of standing stones at the top of the mound
and they had clearly been there a very long time. He walked over and
stood in the centre of these stones looking back across to Sillustani
with the mountains way off in the distance. There was not a cloud in
the sky and the sun was extremely hot, burning his face.

he felt his feet being pulled to the ground like a magnet, again, the
same force he felt when he was in the newspaper shop in Ryde on the
Isle of Wight, but this time it was far more powerful. With no decision
on his part his arms raised above his head at about 45 degrees,
slightly outwards and were held there for well over an hour. He felt
nothing in his arms until it was over and then they were in absolute
agony. Put your arms above your head, slightly outwards at about 45
degrees and see how they start to ache within a minute. David's arms
were like that for well over an hour. A flow of powerful energy began
to go into the top of his head like a drill down through his body via
his feet through to the ground and he could feel the flow coming back
up from the ground the other way via his feet through to the top of his

It was then that he heard the third voice in his head,
something that has never happened since. It said very clearly: "It will
be over when you feel the rain."

What? What rain? There was not a cloud to be seen anywhere, just a glowing sun in a clear blue sky!!

stood there as the energy increased and increased to the point where
his body was shaking as if plugged into a power station. After a while,
he saw a light grey mist over the distant mountains and as he watched
it got darker and darker. It had begun to rain far in the distance.
Very quickly this storm emerged from those mountains, filling the sky
with clouds, and covering the Sun. Eventually it was over him and he
was seeing faces in the billowing clouds. The storm was moving so fast,
it was almost like time-lapse photography. Then it began to rain and as
he felt the water on his face, the surge of energy suddenly stopped as
if someone had flicked a switch. He staggered forward, his legs like
jelly, his shoulder and arm muscles now very painful.

Energy was
pouring from his hands with fantastic power and he went down to the bus
to grab a crystal in an effort to diffuse some of it. His feet
continued to burn and vibrate for some 24 hours. He could hardly sleep
that night because of it.

David's life was to change
dramatically, in fact as dramatically as you could imagine, in the
weeks that followed. He felt like a dam had burst within him and his
consciousness was thrashing around trying to rebalance itself under the
new circumstances. That took some two months to happen and in that time
of enormous confusion, Truth Vibrations was launched and he went on
national TV in the UK to be ridiculed beyond belief. For two years and
more he could not walk down any street in Britain without being laughed
at by most of the people. Comedians only had to mention his name and
they got an immediate laugh.

But nightmare as this was, it set
him free of the prison that most people live in - the fear of what
other people think. Only by breaking free from that could he now be
going around the world talking about shape-shifting reptilians
occupying the positions of global power. If you need people to respect
you as your sense of security, there is no way you would do that - one
key reason why it has so rarely been communicated before. That ridicule
was a major part of his journey and it set him free of so much.

that time, David has followed the flow of life. Exactly as he was told
would happen through the psychic lady in 1991, he has been led to
knowledge more and more all the time which, has revealed a picture of
how the world has been controlled by a tiny few for thousands of years.
And how the suppression of the spiritual knowledge, the understanding
of who we are and the nature of life itself, has been the foundation of
how this has been done. He has also learned of the Great Awakening, the
Great Transformation, that is upon us.

The trickle of
information became a river and now it is a tidal wave. Yet, we have
hardly begun and the rest of the story promises to be even more amazing
than what has already been revealed and happened in these last 14
incredible years."
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Encycoplédie ambulante
Encycoplédie ambulante

Nombre de messages : 6342
Age : 41
Localisation : Bordeaux
Humeur : ^^
Animal préféré : corbeau
magic code : Mch/de/ta x3- pwm/gr/eg w s- n* d A a+ c* g4+ QH3+ 666 2+ Y2+
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

Davaid icke, biographie officielle. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Davaid icke, biographie officielle.   Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 16 Jan 2008, 18:13

Traduction en français de la biographie ci-dessus, sachant que c'est la version donnée par Icke, j'en fais un bref résumé:

David Icke est né en 1952. Il est né dans une famille ouvrière assez pauvre.
C' est à la base un footballeur, qui a dû arrêter sa carrière à l'age de 20 ans pour cause d'arthrite.

Ne pouvant continuer à exercer sa passion, il décide de se rabattre sur le métier de journaliste à la BBC. Il doit faire l'école de journalisme, mais s'arrête car sa douleur à la jambe s'est calmée et qu'il préfère largement le foot. D'ailleurs, il dira qu'il s'est ennuyé à l'école et que c'est un système rigide.

David se débrouille ensuite pour écrire dans un journal de Leicester, ce qui lui permettra de se propulser dans les journaux régionaux, puis les sports nationaux, et enfin reporter. Il déménage ensuite à l'île de Wight.

C'est là-bas qu'il commence sa carrière de porte-parole du parti des verts en Angleterre.

Vers le début des années 80, il s'intéresse de moins en moins au monde de la télévision, car il préfère s'occuper de la campagne pour l'environnement.

En 1989, il écrit: It Doesn't Have To Be Like This, Ca ne devrait pas être ainsi, et commence à ressentir une présence qui l'accompagne, et demande à cette présence de lui faire signe.

Il vit ensuite une sorte d'expérience mystique dans une boutique qui l'oblige à rester collé au sol et l'invite à lire un ouvrage d'une personne soignant par imposition des mains. il devint client de cette femme qui changea sa vision du monde et soigna son arthrite.

Cette femme lui annonça aussi de nombreuses choses dictées par cette présence (hé ça fait presque religieux cette histoire Very Happy) comme quoi que Icke est très spirituel, qu'il soignera plein de gens, qu'il apportera la connaissance, qu'il y aurait de grands tremblements de terre etc...

Il raconte ses expériences mystiques au parti des verts qui se moque de lui. il rédige ensuite Truth Vibrations (Gateway Books) les Vraies Vibrations, où il raconte ses expériences mystiques.

Il va ensuite au Pérou, il se sent pressé d'y aller. Il visite le lac Titicaca, où un tertre (un monticule de terre ou de pierre) l'appelle: "viens à moi, viens à moi". il s'en approche et observe un cercle de pierres, et reçoit selon lui une énergie surpuissante. Il se met à pleuvoir et il ressort secoué de cette expé raconte son expérience à tout le monde et tout le monde se moque de lui, à force il n'a même plus envie de sortir de chez lui tellement les gens se moquent de lui dans la rue. il suffisait aux comédiens de l'époque de citer son nom pour que les gens rigolent.

c'est à partir de ce moment là qu'il échafaude sa thèse sur les reptiens qui gouverneraient selon lui le monde et découvre qu'il peut vivre sans l'avis des autres.
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Encycoplédie ambulante
Encycoplédie ambulante

Nombre de messages : 6342
Age : 41
Localisation : Bordeaux
Humeur : ^^
Animal préféré : corbeau
magic code : Mch/de/ta x3- pwm/gr/eg w s- n* d A a+ c* g4+ QH3+ 666 2+ Y2+
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

Davaid icke, biographie officielle. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Davaid icke, biographie officielle.   Davaid icke, biographie officielle. EmptyMer 16 Jan 2008, 18:17

Nous avons donc: un jeune homme plein d'espoir qui tombe gravement malade, est frustré, rate ses études et donc dit que c'est la faute de l'école.

par contre il semble très bon orateur et fait une bonne carrière à la BBC et dans les journaux sans avoir obtenu une seule fois sa carte de journaliste.

Et enfin, il voit des choses étranges, a des expériences mystiques qui sont selon lui la preuve de ce qu'il avance.

Bon c'est toujours un scientifique, un homme objectif selon vous?

Personnellement, ça ne fait pour moi que rajouter de l'eau à mon vase qui me fait penser que cet homme est un génie pour raconter de telles sornettes. tout comme Raêl, et nombre d'autres mystiques, gourous, illuminés, etc, il sait très bien parler, a du charisme, et sait voguer sur les thèmes à la mode (environnement etc...).

On peut lui reconnaitre une imagination fertile...
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Davaid icke, biographie officielle. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Davaid icke, biographie officielle.   Davaid icke, biographie officielle. Empty

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